Monday, May 26, 2008

Here Fishy Fishy

The boys were out around 8 am in the thirty something weather. We girls chose to avoid the freezing tent camping and stay at the Nebekers for a sleepover Friday night.

After a picnic lunch the girls decided to brave the waters and Caroline's Barbie pole did it again!

John was content that the boat ran well, he rigged the mp3 player to blast eighties soft rock all day, and his family was having fun together.

Desiree had just finished about 1/4 bag of cheetos and several packages of princess fruit snacks. And now she was holding the pole. So many reasons to smile.

...And the grand finale...

I tell you my SHOULDER WAS SORE reeling this baby in. "Give it up for the mom!" We ate him that evening. All the kids tried a piece with lots of lemon pepper and John Nebekers special grilling touch.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Ultimate Career

I requested that for Mother's Day John take these pictures before church. My kids cooperated pretty well. One of Caroline's Mom's Day gifts to me was to let me curl her hair. It is Desi who is usually more interested in "curley curls." I admit that my plan made us late for church but I must say that the couch in the hall was a comfey place for such a pregnant lady as I. After church I used my chore cupons made by the kids. It was a beautiful day and I was treated with such love. Among the blessings I was counting on Sunday was a faithful and devoted husband who even surprised me this year with a new bike trailer! -Another one of those inventions that make mothering so much fun.

I always knew C.S. Lewis was a wise man. But recently I ran across some of his words that are a boosting compliment to all of the hard working women out there:

"The homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only- and that is to support this ultimate career. "

Hope you all had a HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!