Whether it be on Carbonville Road...

(Katy and I took this route manyearly mornings in '94, where I think my love for the two wheeled thrill began)
Or in St. George on the Bear Claw Poppy Trail...
Absolutely overjoyed to be at Father & Sons Outing this year!
Kindergarten Graduation.
I improved a little corner of the world.
To view the horrendous BEFORE picture, and read the rest of the story, see my post from Sat. Feb. 27, 2010 entitled "Please Return." (that would be awesome if I knew how to link the two)
Last week Nathan and I were in the BYU Wilk. to see the presentation of a "check" from PTA to Governer Gary Herbert. The worth of the total reported volunteer hours from parents around the state was over 32 million dollars. Woo Hoo for all who are doing their part- especially in classrooms- around the state!!!
And the finished product...
The only thing I would add to their tips (since I am sure you will all run and try this) would be to hold the cans with rags that you plan on throwing away. Melted crayon is a bugger of a stain. And speaking of melting- I have one last response to the afformentioned "Hersheys and Hallmark" complaint...
If the snow's still not melting completely off the playgrounds and parkways, at least the chocolate is melting in my mouth, even as we "speak". Thanks to Hersheys, Hallmark, and my sweet sweet Valentine!